There I was, at a party where I knew no one, and I was the only one with a newborn baby.
He is, of course, adorable (I may be slightly biased) and was quite fawned over. The ladies were all marveling at his gravity-defying hair, his most memorable asset at the moment. The nice thing about having a baby with you when you don’t know anyone is that it does provide an instant topic instead of the awkward silence that can sometimes happen.
There was something else that happened, though…I was really enjoying the cooing at and sweet words about my son, and none of these women knew he had Down Syndrome. I suspect some may have noticed his almond eyes and the fact that at just turning 3 months he still does not have complete and total control over his head, but all were too polite to say anything other than, “he’s sooo cute!”
And he is.