I may have to start calling this Cedar Sunday as it is closer to Sunday when I actually get the post up. This was a crazy busy week and most of our normal schedule was a bit off. We had a number of special services at our church as we have a missions conference complete with dinners at church multiple nights during the week and special speakers. I always enjoy this but it is a bit rough on the kids being off of their normal schedules, and Cedar is no exception, from Wednesday through Friday we changed him into jammies at church because he fell asleep in the car each night before we got home.
We did still manage to homeschool the older kids, get to occupational and physical therapy and also sneak in a field trip to a theater performance all with the local temps reaching -10 and an addition of 4 more inches of snow. I’m ready to move south!
Wednesday was therapy day and here are some clips. Cedar crawled in a 4 point stance for a 5-6 pace distance with minimal assistance which was HUGE.
He also did great in occupational therapy with putting small objects into a container. We have noticed a slight reduction in throwing behavior, something we have REALLY been working on as this boy has the arm of a professional pitcher. I was able to ascertain that though sometimes the throwing is out of boredom, often it is out of frustration. As Cedar is able to master more tasks he seems to be throwing a bit less…sometimes.
Thursday we went to a theater performance of Marcus
Saturday morning Cedar and my littles had a babysitter (a super rare occasion) but after lunch we had a super mellow rest of the day to recuperate from our busy week. Cedar relaxed and watched too many Super Simple Songs on YouTube but he was quite content. Oh, and there was this funny clip from when he pulled out my pots and pans to demonstrate his drumming skills but his sister thought he needed a snack…