When I looked back over our last few Cedar Saturday posts I realized that it has been almost 6 months since I have done one of these, how in the world does time fly by that fast???
I’ll tell you how, 6 children, homeschooling, a husband who just finished up his bachelor’s degree and life, surgery for both Cedar (ear tubes) and his brother (tonsillectomy) it happens. Summer has flown by and a Cedar Saturday is well overdue.
Rather than cover the last week (since it has been 6 months of weeks) I will just share what has been going on with Cedar and then try my best to start these Saturday posts up again.
Cedar has continued to progress in physical therapy and with the patience and love of his therapists he finally began using his gait trainer (walker) more and more. Here is a good example of how he was doing…
But then…I was off teaching a class for the day to social workers (all about Down Syndrome) and dad happened to be the one that took Cedar to therapy. Do you know what he caught on video? Here are the links to see on Facebook:
and on Instagram
It was a moment that brought this mama to tears. He is still only taking a 4-6 step transition and prefers his bum scoot but it is progress and we are so excited about it!
Cedar also underwent ear tube surgery and did great. I asked for lots of prayer because no mama wants to have their child have to be sedated but Cedar did fine. Here he is just moments before being taken to the operating room and since the surgery he has shown improvement in his language development, we believe he is able to hear better without the additional fluid that his ears were holding before the tubes.
We also had another litter of Golden Retriever puppies. It is interesting as we first bred our beloved family pet because she had the best temperament ever and was so patient with Cedar (she is the same age and her birthday is within 1 week of his) Just look at how tolerant she is of him (and incidentally she is his best friend).
Is there anything cuter than a puppy?
Because of this temperment, we have had 2 of our online friends who have children with Down Syndrome come from PA and TX respectively to get puppies from our mama dog. What started as a fun litter of puppies has turned into a desire to have the ability to have another litter or two and share these awesome furry friends with the world.
We spent a week at our county fair where Cedar’s older siblings won awards for their livestock, showmanship, and knowledge of animal husbandry. We even had a few friends come to visit, including our friend Dash who came all the way from Texas with his family to visit and take home a sweet furry friend.
We also swam, camped, and phew…summer is almost over. With that I will wrap up the latest edition of Cedar Saturday and we will play catchup again next week. xoxo
Cedar & Familly