Harper was born in August of 2016, 9lbs 14 oz (we have mammoth children and I’ll shock you when I say she was my smallest!). We knew she was our last baby and to keep it extra fun, we thought we’d have a surprise and not find out the gender. I was 90% positive that after 3 boys, we’d have another and hardly entertained the fact that a girl was even possible for us. My husband told me from the start he knew she was a girl. It’s almost annoying how he’s always right!
I knew the moment I met Harper that there was something special and different about her. And I knew she had Down syndrome. I can’t explain it more than by calling it mother’s intuition, but I know that even Keith and I exchanged a glance that confirmed he knew it too. He didn’t know what I knew at the time, but he could feel it. Since having Harper, I’ve heard many other stories where parents knew, even before birth.