How to prepare for open heart surgery, from a mom who has been there.
Around 60 % of the children born with Down Syndrome also have congenital heart defects. Some of these will close/heal on their own and others will require surgery, either heart catheterization or open heart surgery. A scary situation for any mama to face and one that all to many mamas of babes with Down Syndrome do have to go through. Jess has a beautiful little girl, BerkLee, who is thriving, but that was because she was able to have a heart condition repaired when little Berk was a much smaller gal. Here’s Jess & Berk’s story:
As a mom with a child who has Down Syndrome and heart issues. I get asked about open heart surgery A LOT! I want to bring the mama’s that ask me about it to my home and let them meet and play with my daughter, BerkLee, while I show them pictures, pictures that are really hard to look at, and explain all of the tubes and give them details about her surgery and my experience.
There are a few things you should know if you are reading this…
You cannot ever adequately prepare
There is no way to get completely ready or be prepared for your baby to have Down Syndrome and Open Heart Surgery (OHS) you will see your angel in a way that no mom ever wants to see their angel.
However, your baby is going to be way more tough than you are, and by far, way more tough than you ever expected them to be!
Do take a look…read and really look
I would suggest researching infant open heart surgery and checking out the images. This will help you to be ready for the first time you see your baby after surgery. It is a hard sight to see for a person, it’s gut wrenching for a mom.
While I was getting ready for BerkLee’s surgery…I found myself lost in worry and thought constantly, to the point I would fill my body with anxiety all the while my baby girl was right in front of me looking to me for time together, to bond, for me to teach her, for me to connect with her. I went through the motions of doing those things, but what I wouldn’t give to go back and just live in the moment with her during those months.
Live in the Here and Now
Always keep in mind that even though you know your baby’s heart isn’t working like it should, they don’t know that. What is happening at that time is all they know.
Celebrate their strength, celebrate their willingness to work…STAY IN THE MOMENT because that’s where they are.
I was so nervous and worried about every little thing for no reason! This is their life and it’s all they know. Follow their example, fight with them, because they only know to fight, and fight they will. I had so much anxiety the night before surgery that I made BerkLee upset. When you get to a point that you just need to cry to let it out, LET IT OUT! You won’t get past that worry if you don’t get it out of your system.
Go hide in the bathroom and cry until your little heart is full again.
When the worry creeps in, acknowledge that it’s a worry, it’s a thought then replace it with a positive thought about how great things are going to be once this surgery is behind you.
On the days leading up to her surgery when I found myself getting consumed by the worry I would do something totally opposite than what I normally did. For example when I get dressed every day, I have an order that I get dressed in. Right leg goes in first etc. I would force myself to put my left leg in my pants first, or put my socks on first. Sounds silly, I know, but what it did was take me out of robot mode and make me put effort into what I was doing at the time, therefore making my brain work and taking the focus off worrying about the surgery.
I remember asking every mom I knew that had to go through what I was going through about their experience. Every single mom that I talked to would tell me that they only spent 6 days in the hospital, 5 days, 1 week. I thought to myself that’s crazy! I will plan on a 2 week stay. We spent a little over 72 hours in the hospital!! Your baby is going to surprise you with how quickly they recover.
Finally, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!
Someone else has control of the situation unfortunately, as mom’s we are used to being that person so it’s extremely hard for us to accept that, which makes us worry even more. Your baby was sent to you for a reason, for myself I can think of a million reasons that BerkLee was sent to me. One of the biggest reasons, was to teach me patience, to show me that my need to be in control is simply overbearing and out of control.
As I handed my sweet girl over to the surgeon at the doors of her operating room I remember telling Berk, that I loved her more than she will ever understand and I told her to come back to me. As he walked away with my baby in his arms I started to pray, begging God to make sure she came back to me. It was at that moment that I realized this was all out of my hands, all I could do was pray and wait.
All my stress, my anxiety, my sleepless nights didn’t have to be. I was gifted this angel, and she had already taught me so much and shown me how to love fearlessly, how to live like every minute counts, and how to fight like tomorrow is not a given.
I felt a wave of emotion come over me and I cried, tears of joy, tears of happiness, and I felt so thankful for the baby I was given. At that moment I grabbed a hold of the belief that BerkLee was in God’s hands and I held on tight to the belief that she was going to be just fine, she was in the best hands. I let go of the worry and I let God take the worry. All I had now was to fearlessly believe that He would do what was best for her, what was best for me.
Fast forward and I now have a 15 month old that can tear apart my entire house in 10 seconds or less and has enough personality for 6 lifetimes!!
Jessica is mama to a 15 month old BerkLee, a copper top who rocks an extra chromosome, something her mama absolutely loves about her. BerkLee’s playmates include Moki and Meeka, the family’s English Mastiffs (who incidentally outweigh mama by 90 lbs!) When not rocking matching “lady Mohawks” with Berk, Jessica can be found camping, swimming, playing softball and helping others. Jessica chronicles the hilarious expressions of baby Berk on instagram where you can find her
Are you going crazy trying to figure out how to organize all the medical information you need as a special needs mama? Read this post: Organizing a Medical Binder and then sign up for my email list to get a freebie- A set of downloadable printables to start your own binder. (when you sign up for the email list you will receive a welcome letter with a link that says “Freebie” this is what you click to download all your free copies.
My stomach is in knots, my eyes so full of tears that I can hardly type this. We will face this July 12. I’m keeping my mind and body busy, as this is easy to do with two older daughters (13 & 10) AND we just moved!
Thank you for this and I covet the stories of other Mommas like me! Thank you for sharing! It gives us a bond and connection like no other, even if we don’t personally know one another! Much love to you and your absolutely beautiful family!!! …. and I’m so thankful WITH you that your beautiful daughter is doing so well!!! God is good! ❤️
Your friend,
Cindy White (LadyPositive)
My mama heart hurts for you Cindy, it is something no mama should have to go through but God is good and gracious and there are other mamas for you to reach out to as well. We are all in this together and your daughter will be amazing and likely show you just how quickly God can heal a young body. Take care sweet mama!
Thank you! I surely appreciate the love and support!!! It means so very much!
First off, please know that everything will work out just how God planned for it. Your stress won’t get you any closer to feeling peace. However, that is like 1hunded billion times easier said than done! You’re tears are warranted and perfectly fine, you’re mom, you’ve carried that sweet baby for 10 months! Idk why they say it’s 9, it’s not!!! Just looking at this pic of Berk and reading what I wrote made me cry all over again. 2 months ago marks her one year anniversary and it feels like it has been 10, at times I don’t even remember that is something that we had to endure. The extra chromosome that our little ones possess gives them extra strength, and I swear by that!! Your baby is going to blow you away!
Secondly, please know that I am here for you!! ALWAYS!!! Please feel free to message me or ask for my number so you can call or text me at any time! It’s such an emotional time, so much more than you can ever find words to explain. You are doing a wonderful job mama, stay positive, always pray, and don’t let yourself think to hard, you don’t need to put so much on yourself that you can’t find the sunshine or notice the silver lining. The long surgery will be the hardest, take things to do, take people to talk to, force yourself to do statistics if you have to just to keep your mind busy. Your baby will show you just how strong they are, and teach you how to trust in God as well as believe in their tiny little body😘😘
Good luck and we are praying for you!
With love and prayers,
Jess and BerkLee 💕
Pray! That is the best advice for sure. No, you can never be prepared enough but it does help knowing others have been there and that you are not alone.
So happy that is behind your sweet Berk Lee!
Thank you so much!!! I agree with you 100%. I am so glad this is behind us as well! I sometimes forget that we had to have open heart surgery. I feel like I might block that out at times, I feel it’s just because I don’t think of BerkLee as having any disabilities. Again, thank you so much 😊
With love,
Jess and BerkLee 💕💕💕
How can Grandmas help? I live about 20 min away. I’m trying to educate myself as well.
Though Cedar didn’t have open heart surgery we did spend time in the NICU and from that I will share that some of the simplest helps are gas cards, freezer meals, snack baskets (to have at the hospital) and the offer of someone to sit with your child for you to just get out of the room for even 30 minutes.