Did you know that many states can use the diagnosis of Trisomy 21, Down Syndrome as a screen out tool for individuals who are in need of an organ transplant? I am thankful that my son does not have need of this life-saving operation but others do…
This has so upset families in the disability community that now 14 of the 50 states have enacted laws that prevent the discrimination of this magnitude. Thankfully, Ohio is one of the states who has made it illegal to discriminate against someone with Down Syndrome and not allow them to qualify for a transplant if necessary. The other states who have also enacted this legislation are:
Currently, these states have laws in place that prohibit this discrimination:
- California (AB 2861) (1996)
- New Jersey (SB1456) (2013)
- Maryland (SB 792) (2015)
- Massachusetts (Chapter 328) (2016)
- Oregon (HB 2839) (2017)
- Delaware (HB 21) (2017)
- Kansas (HB 2343) (2018)
- Ohio (HB 332) (2018)
- Pennsylvania (Act 90) (2018)
- Washington (HB 5405) (2019)
- Louisiana (HB 143) (2019)
- Indiana (SB 112) (2019)
Look at the dates though…this is a recent issue that up until now had no legislation to protect individuals like my Cedar from being discriminated against solely based on their extra genetic material.
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