Before My Son Was Born, I Felt Sorry for Special Needs Parents
I used to be that mom. The mom who pitied those special needs parents.
I would be in the grocery store and I would see the child with special needs yelling out or rocking themselves, I would smile politely and then turn away feeling bad for that mom.
I would be at a restaurant and see parents wheeling their disabled or special needs child to the table and think, I am so lucky to have “normal” children.
I felt sorry for the moms who had a child with special needs.
Yes, I admit it, I pitied them.
That is probably why, last December when my son was born with an extra chromosome, the thing I abhorred the most was the thought that someone would pity me.
That feeling I had for those other moms is something I now see as total ignorance. You see, the reason I felt sorry for those “other” moms was because I viewed being the parent of a special needs child as being a burden. I thought it was something that no one would want, if they were able to choose.
I thought that somehow those moms were being cheated out of parenting a normal child. I thought that they must wish every day that their child was normal.
Those were all things that I actually thought, before I too became the mom of a special needs child.
I don’t feel sorry for myself. I don’t want anyone to pity me. I would still want my son a million times over if I had to choose.
I was so ignorant.
Related Post: How Does it Feel to Find Out Your Baby has Down Syndrome?
Here’s why:
Back when I saw those “other” moms, what I didn’t realize is that most of them wouldn’t change their experience for the world. I don’t mean to say that if their child couldn’t walk, they wouldn’t give them the ability to do so. Or, if their child was locked inside their own mind they wouldn’t give anything to let them out, or get in there with them. What I mean is that most wouldn’t change some of the amazing things about being the parent of a special needs child.
You see, there are things, as the mom of a typical child that you just don’t understand. I know I didn’t.
When you are the parent of a typical child, you know nothing of the “secret club.” You don’t understand the intense draw to another parent or the total and complete camaraderie that exists just out of your reach. The club of new moms has nothing on the club of parents who have children with special needs. It transcends age, race, socioeconomic status, and gender.
Parenting a child with special needs is what allows you to see another parent across a crowded store and instantly note that her child also has Down Syndrome and you cannot wait to make eye contact or say, hello. It is what allows you to strike up an instant friendship online simply because you and someone else have children who both share extra chromosomes. It is what makes you desire to advocate not only for your own child, but for so many others, all because you have something in common.
Having a child with special needs gives you the words to say to another parent, new on this journey, when no one else’s words have any effect. It allows you to form bonds that are so strong that your best friend of 20 years cannot compare. It allows you to feel empathy on a level you hadn’t even realized before becoming the parent of a child with special needs.
I no longer see a parent out in public and pity them for being a special needs parent, because I am too.
I now know that they don’t need pity because they have more love, empathy, understanding and finesse than most other parents combined. I see them and I know that no matter what their child’s disability, they probably have something they can teach me, and I can teach them too. We may not have anything else in common aside from having children with special needs, but that is more than enough.
I used to be that mom, but now I understand that when I was busy pitying them, it was really me who needed to be pitied, I just didn’t understand.
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How One Couple Became Stronger After a Down Syndrome Diagnosis

Special Needs Parents; I felt sorry for them before my son was born

“I’m So Proud” A Word about our Children with Down Syndrome

My Baby Has Down Syndrome: Now What?

5 Lies About Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome- What I Would Have Told Myself in the Beginning

The day I talked about my son’s Down Syndrome diagnosis without crying

Sharing My Son with Down Syndrome

Dawn, I totally get this! Just last night I thought the same thing as I was preparing all Caton’s feeding tube stuff….I used to feel so bad for those momma’s that had to wheel their babies around or stop a conversation because their wheelchair bound child was having a seizure. But as I was filling Caton’s bag I thought to myself…I wouldn’t change a thing, I will do anything and everything I need to do because I love this little lady so much and I totally get those momma’s now! Caton encourages me to learn more, to do the hard things with confidence so I can help her grow and learn. I was always so thankful I had healthy “normal” children, which I am still very thankful for, but I am so amazed at how the Lord is teaching me so much more through these adventures with Caton, special needs momma’s are indeed specially blessed (no need for pity, Praise the Lord!) Thanks for sharing….your website is one of the first places I go in the morning to see what is going on and find a little extra encouragement to get me through my day!!
Tyan, that comment makes my heart soar. My plan and goal for this site is simply to encourage, educate, and empower. Thank you for letting me know its helping!
Yes, I sometimes feel like people look at my son and me and think, “oooh poor them.” I even, on occasion, feel like I can see it in their eyes. And they are SO WRONG. We laugh more and love more in our house than most any family I know. Love your sharing this truth here.
Agreed! I smile all the bigger when I see the sad eyes looking at me. They don’t know what I know, its like having a secret. I love my son and wouldn’t change him even if I could.
Totally get it – people who are not special needs parents don’t understand that our lives are much more like theirs than they think!
yes, and our lives are not sad and depressing either!