I remember well the first time I saw it, it was a speech given by a self confident man dressed in a suit and tie before the members of the United States Congress. This man was eloquent, self assured, funny and he just happened to have Down Syndrome. What has resonated with me since viewing this clip on Youtube was the statement that he made, “I am a man with Down syndrome and my life is worth living.” Who is Frank Stephens, a man with Down syndrome pushing the limits.
I don’t know if Frank has any idea of the impact that he is having on families raising children with Down syndrome today, but at least for me, Frank Stephens represents hope for a brighter future. There was a time just 30+ years ago when parents might be given the diagnosis and then offered to let their child just go to a facility and forget about them.
There are daunting statistics as mentioned by
Caitrin Keiper in that article from The New Atlantis.
“the abortion rate for fetuses diagnosed with Down syndrome tops ninety percent.” In Iceland, nearly every fetus with the condition is killed. CBS News reports that “the United States has an estimated termination rate for Down syndrome of 67 percent (1995-2011); in France it’s 77 percent (2015); and Denmark, 98 percent (2015). The law in Iceland permits abortion after 16 weeks if the fetus has a deformity––and Down syndrome is included in this category.”
There was a very dark time in our nation’s recent past when we routinely were told that those with Down Syndrome would amount to nothing, they would not walk, they would not talk and a family would be burdened with their care.
Frank Stephens does not look like a burden to me, in fact, he looks like a young man I would love to meet as he is funny and has quite an amazing outlook on life.
I appreciate knowing that I am not the only one who believes that the tide is turning for individuals like my son. Caitrin Keiper writes in The New Atlantis. “In many other ways as well, a child born with Down syndrome today has brighter prospects than at any other point in history. Early intervention therapies, more inclusive educational support, legal protections in the workplace, and programs for assisted independent living offer a full, active future in the community.”
Frank Stephens is living proof of that as an actor, model, screenwriter and spokesperson for those with Down syndrome. He has even been the love interest of Rachel from the Born this way Cast. He has been introduced to some pretty important people by former President Barack Obama (with whom he had dinner at the white house) and his message, as given in an interview to Global Down Syndrome is a powerful one…

“I really want people to know that my life is worth living. As recently as this year, a Nobel
So in addition to being an amazing young man, who is Frank Stephens? He is a beacon of hope and a man set to change the world for those coming after him. Thank you Mr. Stephens for what you are doing for my son and so many others.
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